With online video platforms such as Zoom, conducting interviews is easier than ever. Not only does this video platform reduce the costs of recruiting new employees, but it also adds increased flexibility and allows organisations to interview candidates from a wider talent pool.
Now, as with any face-to-face interview, recruiters must do adequate preparation to ensure they conduct these online video interviews in a professional manner. This may leave you wondering what preparation you could possibly need to do besides putting together some questions for the candidates.
Well, it turns out there’s a lot you can do. Through this guide, we’ll arm you with all the tips and tricks you’ll need to host a seamless interview with your potential employees.
Zoom interview tips for employers
Using Zoom for interviews is a great way to access more talented candidates. However, with this technology, you should always be prepared in advance should anything unforeseen happen. It’s also important to know how to conduct yourself according to Zoom interview etiquette.
Ensure you have a stable internet connection
This may seem like a no-brainer, but when conducting an interview online, you want to keep things as professional as possible. If you happen to have a shaky internet connection on the day, this won’t be a train smash – turning your camera off will usually help with the sound quality. However, it’s best to connect to a stable internet source so as to ensure that the interview process goes as smoothly as possible.
Test a few minutes before starting the interview
Whether you’ve conducted one or one thousand online interviews, you never know when technology will act up or your software will suddenly demand an update.
This is why, as the interviewer, you should always log in to the video call several minutes prior to starting. It will give you ample time to sort through any issues, should they arise.
Streamline the scheduling process
When you’re recruiting new candidates, it’s important to stay organised. However, between scheduling meetings, conducting interviews and doing other general work-related activities, and liaising with candidates about time availability, you can quickly lose track of what’s going on.
A simple way to streamline the scheduling process and make your life that much easier is to leverage scheduling tools such as Google Calendar, Outlook and Calendly. With these tools, you can let candidates see what time slots are available, and select the one that suits them best.
Don’t get distracted
When you’re interviewing a candidate, you want to be on your A-game so you can analyse the interviewee and ensure you select the right candidate to fill the job position. This is why it’s so important to eliminate any potential distractions. To do this, be sure to find a quiet place where you can conduct the interview in peace, turn off your phone and other notifications as well as close extra web browsers.
Practice eye contact and body language
One aspect of Zoom calls that many people have overlooked – both in interviews and even general meetings – is their eye contact and body language. Yes, you and the interviewee may both be sitting on opposite sides of a screen, but this still plays an important role.
When it comes to eye contact, it can be all too easy to simply stare at the screen or the little box in the corner where you see yourself. However, looking directly into the webcam can simulate eye contact.
Additionally, you can adjust your body language by nodding encouragingly, smiling and sitting up straight. This will all count as non-verbal cues that will show the candidate that you’re listening and paying attention.
Compile a list of good interview questions
This may be the most important aspect of any interview – without the right questions, how could you possibly come to understand your candidates and choose the most suitable person to fill the position? So, when compiling your list of questions, consider including the following:
- Basic questions: Including basic questions such as “Tell me about yourself” or “what are your strengths and weaknesses” are generally good ways to start off the interview. However, these should not form the bulk of your questions.
- Targeted questions: While a candidate may possess all the knowledge and skills needed to fulfil a role, you should also aim to ask questions that will highlight whether the candidate is a good fit for the company and whether your values and expectations are aligned.
- Behavioural questions: You also need to get a good understanding of how candidates conduct themselves. This is especially important if you’re interviewing for a remote position, as candidates will need to demonstrate strong time management skills, self-discipline and many other traits.
Record and review the interview
First things first, you’ll have to ask for permission or simply inform the candidate of this. The plus side of this is that a recording will allow you to truly focus on what the candidate is saying, as you won’t have to worry about writing down notes the entire time. Additionally, you can review the recording of the top candidates and compare individuals directly.
How Natural HR can help you with Zoom interviews
Conducting interviews via Zoom offers candidates and employers numerous benefits. However, it’s essential for organisations to prepare beforehand to ensure a smooth process.
At Natural HR, our recruitment and applicant tracking software can create a seamless process, enhancing the efficiency of your recruitment team as well as demonstrating to candidates that you have a highly organised environment.
If you’d like to learn more, get in touch with us or book a demo to see how our software can streamline your HR department’s hiring process.