What does HR reporting mean?
Reporting is a crucial part of most business factions. It is important to be able to view and judge whether goals have been reached, what is costing more than budgeted for, and where you’re maybe missing the mark.
HR represents the human element of a business, so HR reporting provides actionable information on employees. From employee performance to retention and revenue per employee, the data provided from HR metrics enables your business to make informed decisions and reach its goals.
Keep reading to find out more about HR reports and how Natural HR software can help your business succeed.
How do you make an HR report?
With the help of our analytics and reporting feature, making an HR report is simple. You can create graphs, charts and tables with real-time data, enabling you to present detailed information and insights in an attractive, boardroom-ready format.
Since we know that time is money, we have provided over 30 popular reports that allow you to integrate your data within seconds. If you would prefer to create your own report, the easy-to-use features will help you to create a stunning report with ease.
What are the types of HR reports?
Much like every business has different sectors, so does human resources. There are a number of important HR metrics that divide the different elements of HR into sections which should receive their own reports. Here are the five main types of reports for HR and what they should include:
Recruitment report
A recruitment report should include the average time to hire a new employee and the average cost per hire. There are a number of other metrics which you could include here, such as how many responses you received for vacant positions, where they learnt about your vacancy, etc. Use data that will inform your future hiring strategies.
Attendance and absenteeism report
While absenteeism and attendance can be a tricky subject, it is crucial to report on how much annual and sick leave is being taken, as well as why and when. Make use of the Bradford Factor to calculate and report on absenteeism and the possible loss of productivity this can result in.
Performance management report
Performance management reports allow your organisation to see who is performing well, who could use additional training, and who should be considered for promotion. Include disciplinary records, manager feedback, productivity reports and performance improvement plans in your report. These make performance management discussions far more effective and fruitful.
Retention and turnover report
It is crucial that your business understands its employee retention and turnover. Analysis in these two areas should include how much is being spent on resignation, rehiring, and re-training. Include data on how long an employee stayed, the reasons for leaving, and more information on employee satisfaction. This information can help you develop solutions to retain your top talent.
Training and development report
Providing training and development opportunities to employees is of utmost importance if you want a competent and engaged workforce. You can measure and report on employees’ learning and development through HR analytics. For example, how many employees (and who specifically) attended mandatory training? How much was spent on training? How much training are employees doing? What are their satisfaction levels? Have processes improved after the relevant training?
What is the importance of HR reporting for an organisation?
Detailed HR reporting shows what is working and what isn’t within an organisation. Reports provide actionable data so that goals can be reached and solutions can be developed to improve performance. HR reporting can help improve an organisation across the board. With the development of HR analytics over standard reporting, your reports can now even predict what might happen, making them forward-thinking and solutions focussed.
Contact us today if you would like to know more about our innovative HR software solutions.
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