What are Total Rewards? The reward is typically connected with financial rewards such as pay and benefits as opposed to non-financial rewards. When financial and non-financial rewards are used in conjunction with each other this is referred to as total rewards. The Total Rewards principle takes into account everything an employee values from their employment relationship. This not only includes monetary benefits but also rewards such as achievement, growth and the work environment. What are Total Rewards Statements? Put simply, a brief report of an employee’s complete benefits package provided by their employer. What to include in Total Rewards Statement?…
In the UK at the moment there is a lot of media focus on secure passwords coming from a Government campaign around the general area of online protection (https://www.cyberstreetwise.com/) – whilst in London last week passing through the Underground I saw a number of billboard posters which gave examples of weak and secure passwords and they offered some great advice which I wanted to share but also look at some of the reasoning behind this. The general advice around passwords is: Use upper and lowercase letters Include numbers Include “symbols” (things like !, @, # etc) Make it at least…
Frequently we get emails from clients who want to forego the requirement to enter a PIN number on login – additionally, a high proportion of support tickets we get are related to login problems and, most commonly, PIN numbers. So, with all that in mind, why do we bother with a PIN number? Firstly, it is worth remembering the type of data stored within an HRIS system – this is personally identifiable, employee data such as names and addresses and so on but, further to that, there is also data like dates of birth, driving license numbers, national insurance numbers…
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