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What is the HASAWA?

What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?

By Employment Law, FAQs, Health and Safety

Last updated 06/09/21 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (often referred to as the HASAWA or HSW) is the main piece of UK legislation that details the duties of employers regarding health and safety in the workplace. What is the Health and Safety at Work Act? The Health and Safety at Work Act outlines the legal duties that employers have to protect the health, safety and welfare at work of all of their employees. This also extends to other people visiting the workplace premises such as temporary workers, casual workers, self-employed workers, clients, visitors and the general public….

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What is an HR Business Partner? HR Business Partnering Model Best Practices Explained

By Business, FAQs, Human Resources

06/09/21 Before we get stuck in, it’s important to note that different organisations and individuals see the HR business partner role slightly differently. There is no definition set in stone. However, there are some central tenets, and as the concept of HR business partnerships gains momentum and popularity we are beginning to see a more cohesive understanding. In order to address the question ‘What is an HR business partner?’ we need to look at the function and role of HR and how organisations meet their HR needs. The Fundamentals of an HR Business Partnership Fundamentally, HR business partnering is a…

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What is a timesheet?


A timesheet is a record of the amount of time an employee has spent at work, on a particular job, project or working for a specific client. This information could be recorded on paper, a spreadsheet or in a cloud software system such as our timesheet module. By keeping track of the time an employee starts and finishes work, as well as any breaks they have taken, a timesheet can be used to calculate the employee’s pay for the day, week or month. As project-based work has become more commonplace, timesheets aren’t just used to calculate payroll. Project or client based…

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