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Health and Wellbeing

Seven of the best wellbeing resources, blog

7 of the best free wellbeing resources

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health
We’ve collated a list of some of the best free wellbeing resources, tools and services from across the web to share with your people, try for yourself, and add to your wellbeing toolkit! What employees want and need from their organisation’s approach to health and wellbeing is regularly changing, while HR races to keep up to ensure their employee wellbeing initiatives deliver tangible value to their people and are enticing for new recruits. Many businesses have ramped up their wellbeing efforts while also looking to find new and engaging ways of looking after their employees’ physical and mental health. However,...
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Improving Employee Wellbeing for Blue Monday and Beyond

Taking Care of Employee Wellbeing to Tackle Blue Monday and Beyond

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health

This year, Monday 16th January 2023 may be referred to as ‘Blue Monday’. What is the origin story behind the phenomenon, and how will it impact HR professionals’ understanding of workplace wellbeing throughout the year? It’s a brand-new year, and for many people following a refreshing break to recharge their batteries, this means an exciting, fresh new start. For others, however, this period can be one of the most downbeat in the calendar. Hence the phenomenon ‘Blue Monday’, referring to the third Monday of January which is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Blue Monday is often perceived…

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employee health and wellbeing

Employee health and wellbeing: a Q&A with the CEO and Co-Founder of Heka

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Human Resources

The future of employee health and wellbeing 2020/1: some of the most turbulent years in this generation’s history. However, hopeful HR leaders began 2022 seeking calmer waters for their profession, their businesses and importantly, their people. While the world of work has undoubtedly changed for good, the people profession has had to evolve too. As businesses the world over experienced seismic shifts in perspective and priorities, HR teams led the charge in championing the human element of work to effectively balance productivity with employee engagement, satisfaction and happiness at a time that saw us more separated than ever. As how…

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Innovative wellbeing strategies

8 innovative wellbeing strategies for the future of work

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Natural HR
The last 18 months have completely flipped everything we knew about the future of work on its head. Entire businesses moved to remote work, some were forced to close for prolonged periods of time and others were totally devastated. As the nation tentatively nears the return of some semblance of normality and business look to steady the ship; many have improved or entirely redeveloped their wellbeing strategies to accommodate changing employee needs. The future of work looks increasingly more hybridised, and employers are having to adjust entire strategies to account for this. In this article, you’ll find insights from 8...
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what does employee wellbeing look like in 2021

Ask an expert: what does employee wellbeing look like in 2021?

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing

Ensuring employee wellbeing is front and centre for many HR leaders this year. After the life-changing year that was 2020, wellbeing initiatives have come under more scrutiny than ever before. Companies were, and continue to be, measured by how they prioritised the needs of their people. And yet, by the end of April 2020, over 20 million Americans had been fired and one-third of all UK under 25-year-olds had lost their jobs as businesses across the globe knee-jerked in response to COVID restrictions and national lockdowns. As HR professionals became the first port of call for concerned employees about the…

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