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HR Software

Why HR software is critical in uncertain times

Why HR software is critical in uncertain times

By HR Software, Natural HR, Software, Technology

Why HR software is critical in uncertain times  All businesses can experience uncertainty — whether it’s a change in direction, having to reshuffle roles, or worries about finances, for example. But it’s how these difficult times are managed that makes the difference.  That’s why when the pandemic turned the world of work upside down, the HR technology market boomed. According to recent reports, the market was valued at $22.89 billion in 2020, rising to $24.04 billion in 2021, and it’s set to reach $35.68 billion by 2028. This shows the undoubted reliance of businesses on this technology to help them…

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How can Natural HR's software help improve employee engagement in 2022 and beyond?

How Natural HR’s software can improve employee engagement

By Employee Engagement, HR Software, Natural HR
How can Natural HR’s software help improve employee engagement in 2022 and beyond? The UK has been revealed as one of the worst countries for employee engagement at work, with only 9% of staff feeling enthusiastic about their roles in 2022. Shocking, right?! With such a low number of employees feeling aligned to companies’ goals and values – and the added stress of a highly competitive job market – more needs to be done to create positive working environments, engage employees, and retain talent.  Leaders need to focus on boosting engagement by listening to employees' thoughts, in turn, helping them...
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What does HR reporting mean?

What does HR reporting mean?

By Big Data, HR Software, Technology
What does HR reporting mean? Reporting is a crucial part of most business factions. It is important to be able to view and judge whether goals have been reached, what is costing more than budgeted for, and where you’re maybe missing the mark. HR represents the human element of a business, so HR reporting provides actionable information on employees. From employee performance to retention and revenue per employee, the data provided from HR metrics enables your business to make informed decisions and reach its goals. Keep reading to find out more about HR reports and how Natural HR software can...
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What's the difference between off-the-shelf HR tech and mid-market HR software?

What’s the difference between off-the-shelf HR tech and mid-market HR software?

By HR Software, Natural HR

With the explosion in home working, tech in all its guises has become more important than ever. A means to keep teams connected, it’s proven a lifeline for almost every organisation. But with increased employee autonomy comes an additional headache for HR teams, who must find an efficient means to keep track of employee whereabouts and basic requests – including annual leave, WFH requirements, and sickness days. It also presents further challenges across the business, when it comes to assigning and monitoring workflows, document management, and maintaining a keen eye on employee engagement. Add to this a need to securely…

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How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

By Business, HR Software, Human Resources, Management

Needless to say, digital transformation is all about people. It’s easy to think it’s solely tech-focused, and therefore should belong to the savvy Chief Technology Officers (CTO) and their trustworthy IT teams, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it should always fall to them to push the project forward. In truth, it can be up to any individual in the business who can project manage from start to finish – and anyone who is a stakeholder in the value-derived from digital transformation – especially HR teams. Digital transformation might be an incremental change – like the introduction of a new communication…

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