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workplace culture then and now

Workplace Culture then and now: 7 ways that it has changed since 2011

By Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Human Resources, Natural HR, News, Personal Development, Software

Since 2011 the world has experienced a lot of changes, and the UK was no different. We’ve had three prime ministers, a Brexit Referendum and a national debate on naming an Ice research vessel, to name just three examples, but there have also been massive changes in the UK’s workplace culture. In this article, we’ll be looking at seven ways the UK’s workplace culture has changed since 2011. While some of these changes result from technology development, others have come about because of shifting perspectives and expectations in the workforce. Even more, have come as the result of the introduction…

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payroll infographic

Payroll by numbers: 11 eye-opening stats you need to know

By Natural HR, Payroll

From paying your employees to managing salary budgets, payroll departments have the business critical responsibility of making sure your workforce is  paid on time and free from errors. In this infographic, we’ve gathered 11 stats that demonstrate some of the trends facing payroll teams, the most significant challenges and the impact payroll software can have in teams. (View the infographic in full-screen)

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HR software UI and UX

Choosing the best HR software: why user interface and user experience matters

By HR Software, Natural HR

For many considering purchasing HR software, the shortlist of requirements is usually very feature heavy. The need for employee self-service, recruitment, analytics and workflows usually tops the list for most in the market for HR software; but often, a good User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) can be overlooked. What is UI and UX? For those of us in the tech world, UI and UX are two terms often bandied about. We bemoan the poor UI of a website and praise software products with great UI; but to those less au fait with the two terms, these statements can…

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Innovative wellbeing strategies

8 innovative wellbeing strategies for the future of work

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Natural HR
The last 18 months have completely flipped everything we knew about the future of work on its head. Entire businesses moved to remote work, some were forced to close for prolonged periods of time and others were totally devastated. As the nation tentatively nears the return of some semblance of normality and business look to steady the ship; many have improved or entirely redeveloped their wellbeing strategies to accommodate changing employee needs. The future of work looks increasingly more hybridised, and employers are having to adjust entire strategies to account for this. In this article, you’ll find insights from 8...
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