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HR in 2023 and beyond report

How will the HR industry look in 2023? The results are in!

By Big Data, HR News, Human Resources, News

Our annual guide looking at the state of the HR industry in 2023, HR in 2023 and Beyond, is now live! We surveyed more than 150 HR professionals from businesses spanning from less than 100 employees through to 5,000+, across multiple industries from banking and finance to construction and healthcare, to find out the priorities, trends and challenges facing the sector in the coming year. Despite seeing the back of Covid lockdowns in 2022, the business and employment landscape has become no less turbulent. An already weakened economy has been further stretched in dealing with the aftereffects of the pandemic,…

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Natural HR shortlist in HR Excellence Awards, plus and awards win at Midlands Women In Tech Awards

Double celebrations with duo of awards successes

By Natural HR, News, Press Releases, Team

Natural HR celebrates a duo of achievements: receiving a place on the shortlist in the HR Excellence Awards, plus a Women In Tech Awards win. It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks as we celebrate a duo of achievements for the team at Natural HR: a place on the shortlist in the HR Excellence Awards, plus an awards win at the Midlands Women in Tech Awards. Showcasing our work alongside the National Motorcycle Museum, we were thrilled to be deemed a contender in the best HR technology strategy category at HR Magazine’s annual HR Excellence Awards. Testament to our team’s…

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Sarah wins prestigious award at COBBA22

Sarah wins prestigious award at COBBA22

By Events, News

What an incredible night – and surprise – for our COO and co-founder, Sarah Dowzell, who attended the City of Birmingham Business Awards (COBBA22) and was presented with the Chair’s Award. Over 300 people gathered at The Park Regis Hotel to recognise the area’s array of exciting entrepreneurs. Of those in attendance was our very own Sarah who initially thought she was going there with fellow business peers to acknowledge the city’s brightest talent. With no idea she’d been nominated by Kim Leary, the regional Chair of Downtown in Business, the evening ended in a way she never expected… “I…

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international week of happiness

International Week of Happiness at Work 2021: 10 things you can do in your office

By Leadership, Management, Motivation, Natural HR, News

Today, September 23rd, marks the start of the International Week of Happiness at work. Here at Natural HR, we know that employee happiness and well-being are integral to any business’s success. It may seem like employee happiness is something that benefits only the employees. However, many companies can benefit greatly from having happy employees. The range of benefits ranging from reduced turnover to increased productivity. In this article, we’re going to look at some ideas of how you can boost employees’ happiness in your business – from offering tips on everything from how to create a welcoming and creative work…

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workplace culture then and now

Workplace Culture then and now: 7 ways that it has changed since 2011

By Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Human Resources, Natural HR, News, Personal Development, Software

Since 2011 the world has experienced a lot of changes, and the UK was no different. We’ve had three prime ministers, a Brexit Referendum and a national debate on naming an Ice research vessel, to name just three examples, but there have also been massive changes in the UK’s workplace culture. In this article, we’ll be looking at seven ways the UK’s workplace culture has changed since 2011. While some of these changes result from technology development, others have come about because of shifting perspectives and expectations in the workforce. Even more, have come as the result of the introduction…

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