Last updated 06/11/21 A performance management strategy can ensure your employees’ activities and output are in line with your wider business’ objectives and can be critical to business success and employee productivity. The benefits of an effective performance management strategy include: Highlighting training gaps and where further training is needed. Boosting employee morale and in turn, productivity and performance. Helps identify the right employees for promotion. Improves workforce planning, including managing workloads and delegation. Boost employee retention/reduces employee turnover. Gives employees more autonomy to manage their responsibilities. What is performance management in HR? Defined by the CIPD as “the activities…
Much more than just a substitute term for the traditional appraisal process, Performance Management has a far broader scope. In the era of instant feedback – where reviews and ratings govern many of our daily decisions – the annual employee appraisal can be considered antiquated at best. Twelve months is a long time in business, yet many will happily leave it this long to provide any genuine feedback to their staff. This often stunts an employee’s potential, to the detriment of both the individual and the business. An approach which provides ongoing, genuine and consistent support for employee development and…
Appraisals and the need for them are currently a hot topic in and around the business world. Business leaders are questioning the importance of them. HR Managers are validating the need for them. But are appraisals a thing of the past or a necessary business process? Whether you are of the thinking appraisals are a process driven, a form-filling activity that takes away creativity and adds more administrative pressure to managers and HR managers, or you think a standardised appraisal system is key to company performance – the importance to get it right, whatever approach you take is fundamental to success. Even…
Before you start creating the 360 feedback form, you need to ask yourself – ‘what is the purpose of the data I’m trying to collect’? If you don’t know why you’re creating a 360 feedback form, then there’s not really much point of one being created. Some reasons you may create one are; To gauge what an employee’s strengths are and where they feel confident. Work out where an employee needs to improve. Assessing progress on their skills and confidence over time. Detecting critiques from colleagues which they perhaps can’t see themselves. Finding out what the working relationships in the…
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