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attract the best talent

How to attract the best talent

By Human Resources, Recruitment

In this ever-changing world of work, competition for talent is fierce. Despite this, a staggering 62% of Chief Human Resource Officers report that their talent attraction strategy is not aligned with their future workforce needs according to Gartner Inc. Attracting the best talent is one of the leading challenges for HR professionals. Sourcing the correct talent is the essence behind a company’s success, but it can also be extremely costly if a hire is sourced wrong. The Recruitment and Employment Confederation found that a poor hire at mid-manager level with a salary of £42,000 can cost a business more than…

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5 ways to create an employee on-boarding process everyone will love

By Human Resources, Recruitment

If you work in HR, you’ll have been on both sides of the on-boarding fence. You’ve been hired and done the hiring, but you’ll know that, depending on the business for which you work, neither scenario can be a particularly nice place to be. Think of the new jobs you’ve started where you were thrust into a room full of people you’d never met before, plonked at your desk, given a couple of manuals relating to the tools you’ll be using and left to work it all out for yourself. Wasn’t much fun, was it? Now consider those new hires…

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The pros and cons of recruiting internally

By Recruitment

There’s nothing quite like the story of the rise from lowly-paid shop floor employee to all-conquering member of the board room – particularly when it’s the result of sheer, dogged determination and hard work. Promoting from within is one of the most satisfying things any business can do. It’s by far the best way to recognise the staff members who go above and beyond and sets a standard that proves to the rest of the company the benefits of looking beyond one’s core responsibilities.

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