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Why young people need to be taught the value - and meaning - of money

Why young people need to be taught the value – and meaning – of money

By Finance, Payroll, Team

Having undertaken a course with the London Financial Institute of Banking in 2005 and gaining a real understanding of monetary importance, our co-founder and COO, Sarah Dowzell recently caught up with WeAreTechWomen to discuss why financial education is essential from a young age. If you missed the original article, you can catch up below: If the current financial landscape has taught us anything, it’s the importance of being able to differentiate between what constitutes a ‘want’ vs. a ‘need’ in terms of spending – however, that makes the assumption that people have a basic understanding of the principles of budgeting,…

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Natural HR shortlist in HR Excellence Awards, plus and awards win at Midlands Women In Tech Awards

Double celebrations with duo of awards successes

By Natural HR, News, Press Releases, Team

Natural HR celebrates a duo of achievements: receiving a place on the shortlist in the HR Excellence Awards, plus a Women In Tech Awards win. It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks as we celebrate a duo of achievements for the team at Natural HR: a place on the shortlist in the HR Excellence Awards, plus an awards win at the Midlands Women in Tech Awards. Showcasing our work alongside the National Motorcycle Museum, we were thrilled to be deemed a contender in the best HR technology strategy category at HR Magazine’s annual HR Excellence Awards. Testament to our team’s…

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mental health first aider

What is a mental health first aider and do you need one?

By Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, Team

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a “state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. One in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. The extra challenges and novel situations that the coronavirus pandemic has created have, for some, caused significant deterioration in mental health. A study by the mental health charity, Mind, found that more than half of adults…

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Using HR Software to Support Your Employees

Using HR software to support your employees H&W

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Safety, Team

Now, more than ever, the health and wellbeing of your workforce is considered one of the most crucial elements towards a successful company and let’s not forget, it’s also morally imperative. After all, happy employees are going to, in turn, be more efficient and productive, so it begs the question:,why aren’t more businesses finding new, innovative ways to enhance their health and wellbeing strategy? According to Mates In Mind, sickness absence costs companies £8.4 billion every year, but presenteeism is a more costly issue, accounting for 1.5 times the cost of absenteeism.  In other words, if your only focus is…

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