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Natural HR data centre upgrade

We are upgrading our data centre to a new data centre supplier and site in March. You will not need to take any further actions at this time

Once the move is complete, you’ll start to benefit from Colt’s track record in servicing a large customer base to the highest regulatory standards, investment in data centres and ownership of those properties, proven environmental responsibility, and full accreditation.

We’d like to make you aware of some expected downtime whilst we make this move between Saturday 16th March at 09:00am until Monday 18th March at 06:00am.

woman on laptop
woman on laptop

What’s happening?

As part of our acquisition by Moorepay, we will be aligning our data centre supplier and moving to the Moorepay data centre in Hertfordshire in March 2024.

How will this affect you?

In order to complete this upgrade we need to plan in some necessary scheduled downtime. This means that system users (including admins and employees) will be unable to access the Natural HR desktop application between Saturday 16th March at 09:00am until Monday 18th March at 06:00am. We’re very sorry for any inconvenience.

man on mobile phone

What are the benefits?

Colt is the Moorepay data centre supplier in recognition of its excellent credentials and material advantages for our customers. This move brings a host of benefits including:

A proven track record

A heightened availability, resilience, and security for your data. Colt is experienced with organisations requiring the highest regulatory standards, including high street retailers, hyperscalers and banking institutions.

Environmentally responsible

Proven environmental responsibility with 100% of energy used being renewable and full commitment to reducing emissions (they received the EcoVadis platinum award 2022).

Invested and accredited

Colt has investment in data centres and direct ownership of the properties they host in. They hold full accreditation to meet international standards in providing services, including Information Security Management ISO27001:2013.

Improved capabilities

Changing to colt will offer improved DR capabilities, increased failover, backup recovery and support response for our customers.


We answer the most frequently asked questions about our new data centre.

Are any of your security protocols changing because of this?

The Security assessment of the COLT data centre has been focussed primarily on the physical security and environmental controls in place at the site. As part of the assessment, a review of the specific controls around 4th party screening has also been undertaken to validate that controls are in place to ensure that Security Guards and other personnel hired by COLT that may have access to Moorepay systems (including Natural HR’s systems) have been appropriately vetted.

The assessment has been documented and is available to view on request.

All Cyber Security controls that Moorepay deploys to protect Moorepay and its customers information remain the same regardless of the physical location of the information systems. Therefore, a further assessment of the logical security controls deployed by COLT is not applicable as Moorepay has full control over the logical security of its systems.

The main source of information on the logical security controls deployed by Moorepay is the MAP. The applicable MAP documents have been updated to ensure that any references to physical security controls deployed at the data centres remain accurate regardless of whether pertaining to Greenford or COLT.

How will I know that the upgrade has been a success?

Downtime is scheduled to begin at 9am on Saturday 16th March and customers will be contacted to confirm the upgrade has been completed on the morning of Monday 18th March.

When did you last conduct a DR test?

29th September to 1st October 2023.

Where can I view Colt’s ISO 27001 and other certifications?

You can view Colt’s certifications on their website.

Where is the new data centre?

The new data centre is based in Hertfordshire.

What testing do I need to do?

After the move please log into your software, there is no other testing you need to perform.

What shall I tell my employees?

We’ve put together an employee communication pack for you. Here you’ll find a template email to send your employees to notify them of the upcoming system downtime.

Click to view the employee communication pack.

Will there be any changes to the secondary data centre?

Yes, we will be relocating our secondary data centre to align with Moorepay, which is contracted with Daisy. You can find out more about Daisy on their website.

Will you do a DR test after the data centre upgrade has happened?

Will be looking to carry out a minor DR test in the coming months following the data centre move to make sure applications are available.

Will any "new" people be able to access my data?

No new people will be able to access your data.