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Natural HR - HR Software

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest – social networking is now a part of life with Facebook, for many, being the internet and their online life.

The vast majority of social networking sites are aimed at the consumer market and, whilst some like Linkedin are aimed at businesses and Facebook offers Facebook pages, none have yet been able to bring social networking into the mainstream of internal day to day business.

At Natural HR, being both HR practitioners and technologists, we recognised the importance of integrating social networking into the core application not only to embrace those to whom social networking is now a way of life, but also to get benefits from the medium to improve communication and recognition within your company.


Within Natural HR, we have a social stream which allows your employees to interact with each other including liking posts and commenting. However, we have also built social networking into some of the core functions of the application so when you have a new starter, for example, this can be automatically posted on the stream so others can be notified but also the new starter can be publicly welcomed into the company by their peers and colleagues.

Social recognition Allow your employees to socially recognise their peers for good work
New starter When a new hire starts you can post a notification on the stream which will notify others as well as give them a chance to welcome the new starter to the company
Job change When an employee changes role, the system can automatically post a notification to the stream notifying others as well as allowing congratulations to be given
New job requisition When you have a new job requisition you can automatically post it on the stream so employees can either apply themselves or let their friends and other interested parties know giving you visibility within their extended networks

You can choose to use some, all or none of the above and the module is fully customisable within the application.