How to update your settings for the new year
This is an important, but simple step to ensure your Natural HR system is set up correctly for the new holiday year.
This is an important, but simple step to ensure your Natural HR system is set up correctly for the new holiday year.
Most companies will only need to update two settings: start of the holiday year and the expiry date for carryover.
To begin the process of updating your settings, click Administration from the left-hand menu bar followed by Company, Settings and finally, Time-off settings (global).
Here, most companies will only need to update two settings: start of the holiday year (1) and the expiry date for carryover (2). These should be updated to the next holiday year (i.e. the one following the year you have just completed or are about to complete).
Note: if your holiday year is set to Employee start date, you do not need to change anything on this screen.
You may also notice an option called ‘Include carryover in summary type’ (3). Setting this to ‘No’ means, come the next holiday year, your employees will see a clear distinction between your usual time-off types and any carryover they may have.
If your carryover has an expiry date, we recommend you leave this option set to ‘No’. This is because it makes it explicitly clear to your employees what carryover they have to use before its expiry date in addition to their normal annual leave allowance. We find making this clear can help to reduce an influx of questions when carryover expires and employees wonder why their annual leave allowance has reduced by a number of days.
Setting this to ‘Yes’ will group together all time-off types and will present your employees with one single value for annual leave. This may be more suited to those companies that don’t have an expiry date for carryover.
If your business has multiple locations, offices or companies; you may have different time-off settings for each of these. Where this is the case, you’ll need to update your time-off settings at individual site level.
Note: if you do have sites using time off settings, you will see a yellow banner at the top of Time off settings (global) page informing you of this.
To check if any of yours sites use site-level time-off settings, click Administration from the left-hand menu bar following by HR, Data Management and finally, Sites.
From here, you will be able to see which, if any, of your sites have their own time-off settings and update them accordingly ahead of the new holiday year. The method to update your site-level settings is exactly the same as we’ve described above.
That’s it! You’re all done.
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